October 19 AAT Community - Cloud Architecture Roundtable + Live Polling

When:  Oct 19, 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00 (CT)

Join the AAT Community on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 1:00 PM CT for a roundtable themed discussion around, "Cloud Architecture Roundtable + Live Polling for Prioritizing Cloud Topics for 2024." 

Session Description: Join us for an engaging roundtable discussion on Cloud Architecture, where we will delve into the experiences of industry experts and consumers, providing valuable insights on the best practices and the "bang for the buck" in utilizing cloud-based tools and architecture. The session will also include live polling to prioritize key topics, guiding the selection of upcoming sessions for 2024.

During the roundtable, we will cover various aspects of Cloud Architecture, with participants sharing what they have accomplished and learned in their cloud journeys. We will hear real-life consumer reports on the most effective cloud tools, architectures, and practices that deliver tangible benefits.

The highlight of the session will be live polling, where attendees will actively participate in ranking priority topics on our list of Cloud-related subjects. We will explore the cloud lifecycle, encompassing crucial elements - cloud data ingestion, cloud data preparation, cloud-based analytics reporting, cloud-based data science and ML/AI, cloud analytics security, cloud hybrid data governance, cloud analytics and legacy system evolution, and cloud vs. on-prem data visualization architecture.

By the end of the session, we aim to have a comprehensive understanding of the community's preferences, enabling us to shape future sessions based on the topics that matter most to you. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with industry leaders, contribute to the conversation, and help drive the direction of upcoming cloud-focused sessions. See you at the Cloud Architecture Roundtable!

Members of the AAT Community will receive a Microsoft Teams link prior to this meeting. Not a member of this community? UAI Utility Members can register for any of our communities by using our Request To Join link. 


Dial-in Instructions:
Microsoft Teams link will be provided to community members prior to this meeting.


Kevin Praet