May 21 Data Science Community - The Technology of SRP Flowtography® & Snowtography®

When:  May 21, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 (CT)

Join the Data Science Community on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 1:00 PM CT for a presentation with Q&A and open discussion on, "The Technology of SRP Flowtography® & Snowtography®"  led by Alanna Mecsey, Senior Water Resource Analyst, Aquifer Management & Data Analytics from Salt River Project (SRP).

Session Description:

The technology of using images (photos) as a leap forward in non-traditional measurement of surface water and snow depths, helping SRP comprehend and predict watershed conditions as they are in the present, and more importantly, the trends that may be “seen” moving into the future.

Members of the Data Science Community will receive a Microsoft Teams link prior to this meeting. Not a member of this community? UAI Utility Members can register for any of our communities by using our Request To Join link. 


Dial-in Instructions:
Microsoft Teams link will be provided to community members prior to this meeting.


Kevin Praet